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born: 2013
Fürstenball x Sir Donnerhall I x De Niro x Cardinal xx

> Full Pedigree

A mare that has already been successful in competitions up to medium (M**) level and was highly decorated at mare shows, including the Herwart von der Decken Show in 2016. She is characterised by a great willingness to collect and she has also a strong hindquarter activity. Favorica has advantages in the topline as well as in the angulation of the hip, knee and hock joints. Furthermore, her well placed neck and shoulders provide her with the required ground cover in all gaits and lessons. Due to her tactful, elastic and ground covering movements, Favorica is an excellent partner for the big sport.

More information about Dam Line

Dam Line: Maternal line of Fragliche 4192901

1st generation:

Favorica by Fürstenball (DRE: M-successful).

2nd generation:

Lord Londontime by Londontime (DRE: PSG-successful with Gwendolin Hertel); Forever by Fürstenball (DRE: M-successful).

3rd generation:

gek. Ravell by Rubinstein I (DRE: S-successful) Marquis de Maat by Maat I (DRE: S-successful); Maori by Maat II (DRE: S-successful)

Der Stutenstamm der Fragliche entstammt im Ursprung aus der Zuchtstätte Küst in Bersenbrück, der zuerst im Jahre 1929 dokumentiert worden ist. Er brachte zahlreiche gekörte Sportpferde und Hengste hervor sowie bisher ca. 40 eingetragene Stuten, wovon 12 die Staatprämie erhielten. Insgesamt erzielten 100 Nachkommen in Turniersportprüfungen knapp 130.000€ Gewinnsumme. Davon sind über 12 Nachkommen in der Klasse S erfolgreich.

Successful horses from this dam line are:

Dressage horses:

Fürstin Henrietta by Fürst Heinrich (M**-successful); Vital by Vollkorn xx (M-successful); Wittenberg by Weltmeyer (S-successful); Allermarchen by Abhang I (M**-successful).

Jumping horses:

Gerona by Question d’Honneur B (int. 1,45m successful with Philip McGuane); Achat by Arsenik (1,50m successful); Caspar by Caletto III (1,40m successful); Brasilia by Weinstern (M-successful); Cookie by Cristallo I (1,35m successful with Anuschka Zewe); Grismo U by Gonzo I (1,35m successful); Legara by Legat (1,30m successful); Capalua by Canturo (int. 1,50m successful); Lucie Lady by Landfrieden (int. 1,50m successful); Ration T by Rubinstein I (1,30m successful); Dax by Derby (int. 1,50m successful).

Licensed stallions:

Edelfalk by Edler, Absender by Abhang I; Felddieb by Flügeladjutant; Schuetze by Schutzwart; Axinit by Axtmann I; Flügelton by Flügeladjutant.


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